A critical time: Ed.D. student examines early childhood social skills for doctoral dissertation
Ah, the life of a 4-year-old: Always playing, learning, and experimenting as they prepare for kindergarten. But in the childcare setting, do social skills rate differently between 4-year-olds enrolled in play-based preschools when compared to those in academic-based...
M.Ed. program celebrates its 10th graduating class in Jamaica through partnership of Catholic College of Mandeville
Brother Robert Smith, FSC, Ph.D., hands a diploma to the one of the recent graduates of the M.Ed. program at the commencement ceremony at Catholic College of Mandeville on Oct. 27. On Oct. 27, the Master of Education in Teaching and Learning program celebrated the...
Ed.D. student starts new journey as president/CEO of Minneapolis senior living community
Long before COVID-19 popped into the world’s collective consciousness, Annette Greely has felt a vocation to serve elderly members of her community. “They teach me every day through stories about their lives or how they view the world,” Greely said. As the situation...
LDT alumni find new perspective through remote teaching
Alumni of the M.Ed. in Learning Design and Technology (LDT) online program at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota knew the skills they learned would be useful in their classrooms. But few could have predicted the situation facing teachers all over the country as...
Ed.D. graduate, former police officer examines use-of-force training throughout Minnesota
When it comes to looking at the interactions between police officers and civilians, especially those made in extremely stressful situations, Shawn Williams D’19 knows it is too easy to only look at the statistics and draw conclusions. That’s not the full picture. Dr....
Homecoming: M.A. education alumna’s career path leads her back to familiar place
Sitting in the counseling center of Park Center High School with a row of college pennants hanging above her bright pink hair, Sara Schreiner M’97 loves to surround her life with colors — both in a traditional sense and with the colorful experiences that she has had...
National radio show runs Ed.D. in Leadership professor’s story of ‘awakening’
It was a Tuesday morning like any other, back in 1988. Paul Kotz, Ph.D.,had been washing windows when he heard a homeless man across the street yell, “Hey, you!” Dr. Kotz came to know the homeless man as Joe, and from that encounter, their friendship grew until one...
A quick study: Learning Design and Technology graduate earns statewide recognition for work inside and outside classroom
When it comes to his work for Alexandria Public Schools, Lukas Gotto M’17 has a phrase that sums up his teaching philosophy: Cool is exciting. Exciting is engaging. Engaging leads to learning. “That slipped out of my mouth one day when I was explaining it to somebody,...
Saint Mary’s University receives $1.7 million grant to develop character and virtue programs for educational administrators
MINNEAPOLIS/WINONA, Minn. — Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota has been awarded a $1,732,643 grant from the Kern Family Foundation for the university’s School of Education Character and Virtue Initiative. Using grant funding, Saint Mary’s will develop an enhanced...
Alumna shares passion for teaching through leadership
She did not know it at the time, but Jennifer Backer-Johnson M’01, C’03, C’11 was always meant to be a juggler. It started with trying to juggle pairs of socks with her roommates while a student at Winona State University. Being on the school’s basketball team,...