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Strange and unusual sightings have occurred around the Twin Cities Campus over the past few weeks. Tiny creatures that resemble robots have been showing up in the oddest places. If you were lucky enough to come upon one of these little beings it was your lucky day! You had an encounter with a LasallianBot!

What’s a Bot?
Bots are the brainchild of Portland artist Gary Hirsch who makes thousands of hand painted tiny robots and leaves them all over the globe. The concept is centered around the question, what if you

had a robot that followed you around all day that gave you outrageous and constant compliments? How might this impact the way you see the world? Each Bot has a symbol, usually on their belly, that is specifically designed to bring whoever finds it happiness, joy, love, energy, peace, or any other little reminder the finder might need. Perhaps a reminder to be a good listener, to say yes, to try, to make a decision…whatever you need at that moment! Hirsch also encourages others to make their own Bots so there can be more joy, peace and inspiration all over the world…thus the LasallianBot was born!

LasallianBot, Say Whaaat?!?
If you are fortunate enough to find a LasallianBot, consider yourself blessed. LasallianBots are a fleet of specially designed tiny robots made to bring you inspiration by way of infusing the 12 Lasallian Virtues into your heart as you learn and work. These Bots were carefully and intentionally crafted by members of the Graduate School of Education community and each one holds a special gift to the recipient.

Painted on the side of each Bot is a website, This website provides an explanation of what you have found, which virtue has been bestowed upon you, and the instruction manual for your Bot. If you are favored with a LasallianBot and are so inclined, we invite you to introduce yourself to our LasallianBot community by adding to this Padlet! When you get what you need from your Bot, release it back into the world where someone else can benefit from its power.

Written by: Sarah Haugen, Associate Director, M.Ed. Teaching & Learning/PDI